THE POWER HOUR with Joyce Riley:We focus on subjects that inform and educate people every day to the real challenges that face this country. Help us restore the Constitution to its rightful place of importance in the United States.
Ben Fuchs is the host of the nationally syndicated radio program on GCN: "The Bright Side".
The Bright Side can be heard on GCN Monday-Friday 11:00am -12:00noon
THE DOCTOR IS IN with Dr. Dennis Harris: "BUILDING A COALITION OF THE WELL INFORMED" Dr. Harris’ major passion in medicine has been the non-surgical diagnosis and treatment of pain. This propelled Dr. Harris into active research and development wherein, during the past twelve years, he has created an entire line of natural, safe, effective and unique products.
DEAD DOCTORS DON’T LIE with Dr. Joel Wallach: Dr. Joel Wallach has published numerous books on dietary deficiencies and their resultant effects. Dr. Wallach conducts approximately 300 lectures annually to overflowing and enthusiastic audiences and has sold over 40 million cassettes/CD's which are recordings of the lecture "Dead Doctors Don't Lie”.
FIRE YOUR M.D. NOW! with Dr. Peter Glidden: An outspoken advocate of Wholistic Health, Dr. Glidden has lectured to thousands of people. He delivers over 60 Free Lectures each year, and is a regular speaker at Health Freedom Expo & Youngevity Regional Meetings.
Click HERE to listen to these Great Programs!
My Personal ASAP Testimony:
I started my own ASAP adventure on Monday, February 4th, 2013. When I started the program I weighed 216 lbs. When I weighed in on Tuesday morning, Feb. 12th my weight was 203.4! That’s a loss of 12.6 pounds in 8 days! That’s an average of about 1.5 lbs per day!
With 2 weeks to go I can’t wait to see my total loss!
The key is nutrifying with the Healthy Start Pack for at least 30 days prior to starting the ASAP drops.