Mark Franks explains the easy importance of pure, persistent, safe, and effective protection from germs and bacteria. Every day each of us comes in contact with millions of harmful germs that can make you sick, especially during flu seasons, and simply keeping your hands clean can defend you beyond belief!
Youngevity’s PURE WORKS Product Line:
If you don’t pay attention to your health now, some day your health will get your attention.
Think Prevention!
2.5oz Antibacterial Foam $8.50
7 oz Antibacterial Foam $16.50
4oz Antibacterial Lotion $8.50 8oz Antibacterial Lotion $16.50
7oz Antibacterial Soap $16.50
4oz Antibacterial Skin Spray $8.50
Click here to listen to the mp3 of hour #2!
Dr. Wallach nails it again!
On his program yesterday (Monday, 2/18) Dr. Wallach dealt with several issues that M.D.s can’t explain. One of them, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), is caused by a selenium deficiency. Breast-fed babies generally don’t suffer from it, just those fed formula!
(3 min. point)
Click here to listen to the mp3 of the program.