Dedicated to providing readers with information they can use to improve their health without using dangerous drugs or surgery.
This issue - 'The Government Against Our Health’
If you, or anyone you care about is taking, or considering taking any pharmaceutical drug, you MUST SEE THIS NEW VIDEO BY GARY NULL CALLED, “The War on Health”!
Our government has, once again, put their own financial interests far above the interests of the American public, the people they’re supposed to be protecting! “The War on Health” clearly shows what’s going on withing the FDA and other state and federal agencies who are ‘sworn to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution, and to protect the American public. It illustrates what happens when the protectors of the people turn into the lap-dog of ‘Big Pharma’ and other multi-national corporations! They win and we lose! This is just one more instance of ‘government run amok!
Click here to video the video free of charge. Click here for more information.
~ ObamaCare Unmasked ~
What will the REAL price of Obama Care mean to the average American and how does the IRS plan on implementing fines accrued by those who cannot afford the mandated health insurance? Dr. Marilyn Singleton, who is a physician as well as an attorney, will help delve into the mire. Dr. Singleton was a guest on The Doctor Is In hosted by Dr. Dennis Harris, M.D. on Monday, 2/25/13.
Learn more about Dr. Singleton here.
~ Suing the FDA…and WINNING! ~
Dr. Peter Glidden interviews the famous constitutional lawyer Jonathan W. Emord on his radio show Fire Your MD Now! Mr. Emord, who appears in the video linked above, The War on Health, discusses how his work with Dr. Joel Wallach and Youngevity led to his suing the FDA 8 times. You can learn more about Jonathan Emord here.
Every American who’s interested in Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs owes this man a debt of gratitude! Dr. Peter Glidden had Clinton Ray Miller, Health Freedom Advocate, on his show, Fire Your MD Now!, on Wednesday, 2/27. Listen to the mp3 archive.
Clinton Ray Miller is 91 years old and still going strong for all health conscious Americans!
Clinton started his political action career in Utah in the 1950's, 8 times defeating water fluoridation proposals. In 1962 he went to Washington, and from '62 to '76 helped to oppose a proposal by the FDA which would have limited potency of vitamins and minerals, finally helping to pass the Proxmire bill, which said the FDA could not limit potency unless it was found to be intrinsically dangerous. This bill became the basis of DSHEA, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. He also helped to pass a bill saying that in medical research, human beings could not be used as guinea pigs without informed consent. From 1976 - 1996 he worked as the Executive Director of the National Health Federation. He now serves as a health freedom legislative advocate for the Health Freedom Fund and is instrumental in health freedom bills at the state and federal level. He lives in Cedar City, Utah.
Clinton Miller will be a guest on Fire Your MD Now! on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 28 & Mar. 1, 2013 as well.
You can listen to the show live or on demand here. Just scroll down to the Fire Your MD Now! show and click!
View a YouTube video with Clinton Miller here.
Recipe for Health Compartmentalized Health
To restore or maintain good health everyone should follow these points:
• Take 1 Healthy Start Pak per 100 lbs of body weight per month. (Click "I Want to Join" for wholesale pricing)
• Take 1 bottle of Selenium per 50 lbs of body weight (not to exceed 4 bottles) per month.
• Listen to what Dr. Wallach has to say about living a long, healthy live in his Famous Recording - “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”!
Click here to send an e-mail for suggestions on how to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to heal itself of specific challenges you might be experiencing.*
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Albert Einstein
Do you ‘compartmentalize your health? By that, I mean, do you look at health problems based solely on the location of the problem? For example: if you have pain commonly referred to as ‘arthritis,’ or faltering vision because of ‘macular degeneration’ do you look at these as single, stand alone issues? You shouldn’t! Each of these problems signal that your body is breaking down. No matter what the problem, if it’s a chronic health issue it’s merely a symptom of a major breakdown of the body. As such, you shouldn’t fixate on a cure for your arthritis, or you heartburn. Rather, you should realize that you can repair all of you localized issues simply by providing your body the 90 Essential Nutrients that it needs to support and promote good health. When you do that you’ll notice that all the individual problems seem to go away on their own! Don’t get wrapped up in the allopathic method of naming individual ailments. Instead, realize that they’re all a part of the bigger picture of general body breakdown and give your body what it needs to fix itself and all the individual issues will melt away in due time!
Ben Fuchs discussed this idea on his “Bright Side” program today (2/22). MP3 Archive
Highlights of previous Issues
Key to abbreviations:The Doctor is In - TDII The Power Hour - TPH Dead Doctor’s Don’t Lie - DDDL Fire Your MD Now! - FDYMDN
TPH - 02/13/13
TDII - 02/13/13 PureWorks & Hand Sanitizers - MP3
TDII - 02/14/13
Kate Smith / God Bless America - Video
Previous Issue Archives
Volume 1 / Issue 3 Volume 1 / Issue 5 Volume 1 / Issue 6
Check out these great programs!
My Personal ASAP Testimony continues:
I started my own ASAP adventure on Monday, February 4th, 2013. When I started the program I weighed 216 lbs. When I weighed in on Tuesday morning, Feb. 26th my weight was 198! That’s a loss of 18 pounds in 23 days! That’s an average of just under 1 lb per day! I hope to have lost 20lbs by Friday, 3/1. It would have been even better had I not messed around with the program. I did this on purpose so I could confidently tell folks to ‘stick to the program!’ Definitely DO NOT schedule your ASAP adventure around your Wife’s birthday. She wanted pizza for her birthday and I went along with it and gained 1.6 pounds back!
The key is nutrifying with the Healthy Start Pack for at least 30 days prior to starting the ASAP drops. I recently had to remove a link from my watch band to keep it from flopping around my arm. I pull my belt tighter every day!
Click here to go to my ASAP / Weight Loss page. Scroll down to listen to Victoria Baran’s testimony about ASAP.
Try It - You’ll Like It! Try Beyond Tangy Tangerine or one of the other great Youngevity products! The results will amaze you! When you give your body what it needs to be healthy you’ll feel better than you have in years! To feel your best you have to use the Best, Youngevity! (Click the image to the left to go shopping!)
The Youngevity Business Opportunity is Worth Considering!
Are you interested in learning more about a home-based business you can start for just $10? If so, you need to look at the Youngevity Business! For a single, one-time investiment of just $10 you can get involved in the booming Natural Health Industry!
(Click the image below to view a Business Presentation Video)
Everyone you know needs at least one of the things we offer! They either need better health or more wealth! Most need both!
If you or your group or organization would like to see a presentation of the Youngevity Business just click here to send me an e-mail to arrange a meeting!
Youngevity has one of the Best Compensation Plans of any business and it’s one of the most simple businesses to build because the products sell themselves! Once someone sees how well they work they’ll become a ’90forLifer’! Give it a try! The most you can lose is $10!
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Sgt. JIm Ramm (retired) • www.YourDIYHealth.com • ℅ 5195 Hampsted Village Center Way #141 • New Albany, Ohio [43054] • 614.855.2854 ©2013 YourDIYHealth All Rights Reserved *Notice ~ The statements made on this newsletter have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products recommended and the information provided are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. As a responsible human being it is important that you do your own due diligence. You alone are responsible for how you choose to use the information presented here.