Dedicated to providing readers with information they can use to improve their health without using dangerous drugs or surgery.
Joyce Riley had Pharmacist Ben Fuchs as a guest on The Power Hour on Wednesday, March 20th. It was one of the best interviews I’ve ever heard on health related issues. I strongly believe it ranked along side Dr. Wallach’s "Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” and Dr. Glidden’s “Healing is Easy”! To hear a pharmacist speak of prescription drugs as poison (I know they are, but who would ever expect to hear a pharmacist refer to them as such) was astounding! He also discussed the Dairy Association’s petition to the FDA to allow them to put sweeteners in milk products without being required to list them on the label. Ben mentioned that they wanted to put sugar in the products to get kids to consume more, but it’s actually worse than that; the milk producers are trying to get permission to put aspartame in the products! Click here for an excellent article about it. There was far more information in this call than I can possibly relay here. Besides, it’s best to just listen to the program yourself than to hear it second hand from me. I’m planning to edit out the commercials and produce a single CD to distribute to my team. I may be able to make an mp3 file that I can e-mail to anyone who requests it. If you’re interested feel free to send me an e-mail and I’ll send it to you when the editing is finished.
~ How Modern Medicine Killed My Brother ~ by: Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D.
Earlier this month, I traveled to Monroe, La., to bury my dear older brother, Charles. Charles was not only a wonderful brother, but he was a man with a heart of gold who always put the needs of others and his family before his own. Charles, unfortunately, began smoking when he was in law school, something I warned him about repeatedly. Approximately four months ago, I noticed that he was getting horse. He brushed it off and continued his hectic schedule. When I again visited him a month later, he was still having the hoarseness. I advised him to see someone about it. He took my advice and saw a local physician group. The doctor was actually too busy to see him and had his nurse see him. Before he went to the doctor, I told him it was critical that he have the doctor examine his vocal cords. The nurse looked in his throat, but wasn't trained to examine his vocal cords. Two more weeks passed during which his doctors assured him that it was nothing more than bronchitis. They treated him with steroids and antibiotics, but no one examined his vocal cords. Misdiagnosis After Misdiagnosis I pleaded with him to see an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor, but he trusted his doctor. For the next two and a half months, he was treated with steroids and antibiotics. Finally, he developed pneumonia and was admitted to the hospital, what was supposed to be one of the best hospitals in the area.
Click here for the complete article.
Youngevity Introduces Two New Video Presentations
These videos are simply AWESOME! They do a fantastic job of showing the Youngevity Business and its flag-ship product the "Healthy Start Pak.” The Business Presentation video is great for understanding this awesome opportunity regardless of whether you’re already a Youngevity Associate or just considering becoming one. It provides great information about the chance to step out and improve one’s lot in life while showing that this business is simple to do. Mind you, it takes effort to be successful in this or any business, but the premise of how one builds this business is a simple 3-step process of Invite, Expose & Close (and repeat). It’s simple because all you have to do is 1) Use the products, 2) Teach others to do the same, and 3) Repeat the process. Once you’ve used the products and experienced the fantastic results they give the rest is simple!
~Just My (not so) Humble Opinion~
If it has a label - DON’T EAT IT! When I go to the grocery store I always do my best to “shop the perimeter.” By that I mean that I generally visit the produce, meat, and dairy sections which are usually around the outside walls of the store. I try to avoid the inner isles of the store where the items in boxes, jars and cans are generally located. "Why would you do that?" you ask. For several years I’ve been a ‘label reader.’ I’m one of those people who picks up a box and automatically turns it over to read the inGREEDients list. No, I didn’t spell ingredients improperly, I just used a word from the video “InGREEDients.” The title refers to the fact that food manufacturers put GREED and their company’s bottom line above the health of their customers. The list of contents of most processed foods in many cases reads like the contents list of my first chemistry set. The difference was that I wasn’t going to eat my chemistry set! By the way, I strongly recommend that you view the InGREEDients video; if you’re new to the label reading crowd it will really open your eyes! If you’re an ‘old timer’ you’ll still learn something new, I guarantee it! People today have gotten far too lax in questioning the producers of things we put in our mouths. We need to start really thinking about what’s going into our bodies and realize, to borrow a phrase that’s big in the world of computers, “garbage in, garbage out!” We need to start "treating our bodies like a temple and not a dumpster!” My personal motto is “God-made is ALWAYS better than man-made!” I stay away from processed food whenever possible and go with natural, hopefully organic, foods. Once you wein yourself off of all the junk you’ll be amazed at how good you feel. You’ll also receive gratification in the fact that you’re supporting farmers rather than big corporate entities who are getting rich by pumping people full of their chemical preservatives, emulsifiers, and artificial flavorings, etc. What’s more, when you get off the labeled garbage you’ll also stop getting all the MSG, transfats, aspartame, GMOs, hybrids, synthetics and other questionable things that are in them. If you increase your intake of good, clean, pure water you’ll flush much of the stuff out of your system and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel. One last point; don’t get complacent just because you shop at a so-called ‘health food store.’ I’ve spent a great deal of time perusing a lot of items in a few of my local ‘health food stores’ and the same rule of avoiding the center isles of the store holds true. Most of the items in boxes, jars and cans are just as bad for you as their regular grocery store counterparts. You can’t just assume that it’s safe because it came from Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Raisin Rack or any other similar store. You are responsible for your own health; if you won’t watch our for yourself don’t expect someone else to do so either. Most companies out there could care less about what their ‘frankinfoods’ are going to do to you. Their only concern is making money for their investors. Don’t be sucked in by all the fancy commercials on TV either. That’s another motto of mine right behind the one about labels; “if it’s advertised on TV, don’t eat it!” They're spending millions of dollars on advertising - not so you have another healthy choice, but so their investors can make even more money as you get sicker!
And that’s just my (not so) humble opinion!
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Recipe for Health "It’s Time for a Change!"
To restore or maintain good health everyone should follow these points:
• Take 1 Healthy Start Pak per 100 lbs of body weight per month. (Click "I Want to Join" for wholesale pricing)
• Take 1 bottle of Selenium per 50 lbs of body weight (not to exceed 4 bottles) per month.
• Listen to what Dr. Wallach has to say about living a long, healthy live in his Famous Recording - “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”!
Click here to send an e-mail for suggestions on how to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to heal itself of specific challenges you might be experiencing.*
“If you want to see a change in your life, you’re going to have to make some changes in your life!”
Sgt. Jim Ramm (retired) Youngevity Executive Marketing Director Health Advocate
At one time or another we’ve all decided to lose weight, stop smoking, stop drinking or give up some other thing that we knew wasn’t good for us. The problem is that we seldom followed through with that decision and it wasn't long before we were back doing that same destructive behavior again. I’ve been there too! Unfortunately, if we want to see results we’ve got to do something different from what we’ve been doing. I’m reminded of Einstein’s "theory of insanity,” you know, doing the same thing and expecting different results! The other problem is that, in many cases, we bought some ‘new, improved’ item that was ‘guaranteed’ to help us kick the habit of whatever was our issue at the time and that product fell far short of the expected results which sent us spinning back to our old ways. Well, if you were trying to lose weight, stop smoking or drinking, regain your health or just about anything else that has to do with your body you’re in luck! Just follow the Recipe for Health (to the left) and you can be successful! I’m serious - Youngevity products work like nothing I’ve ever seen (they’re the only thing that’s ever worked for me), and they’ll work for you too!
Highlights of previous Issues
Key to abbreviations:The Doctor is In - TDII The Power Hour - TPH Dead Doctor’s Don’t Lie - DDDL Fire Your MD Now! - FDYMDN
TPH - 02/13/13
TDII - 02/13/13 PureWorks & Hand Sanitizers - MP3
TDII - 02/14/13
Kate Smith / God Bless America - Video
Previous Issue Archives
Volume 1 / Issue 3 Volume 1 / Issue 8 Volume 1 / Issue 9
Check out these great programs!
Click image to view this great video!
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Click image to be disgusted!
My Personal ASAP Adventure continues:
I reached my top weight of 240 lbs in early 2012 (something I’m not proud of). At the same time my health was at its lowest in my life, imagine that! I began losing as soon as I started taking the Youngevity supplements and dropped 24 pounds by February of this year. When I got started with ASAP I weighed 216. This morning I “weighed in” at 187! The photos above show a little change, don’t you think? Not bad for 55 years old and no prescription meds!
The key is nutrifying with the Healthy Start Pack for at least 30 days prior to starting the ASAP drops. I recently had to remove a link from my watch band to keep it from flopping around my arm. I pull my belt tighter every day!
Click here to go to my ASAP / Weight Loss page. Scroll down to listen to Victoria Baran’s testimony about ASAP.
Try It - You’ll Like It! Try Beyond Tangy Tangerine or one of the other great Youngevity products! The results will amaze you! When you give your body what it needs to be healthy you’ll feel better than you have in years! To feel your best you have to use the Best, Youngevity! (Click the image to the left to go shopping!)
The Youngevity Business Opportunity is Worth Considering!
Are you interested in learning more about a home-based business you can start for just $10? If so, you need to look at the Youngevity Business! For a single, one-time investiment of just $10 you can get involved in the booming Natural Health Industry!
(Click the image below to view a Business Presentation Video)
Everyone you know needs at least one of the things we offer! They either need better health or more wealth! Most need both!
If you or your group or organization would like to see a presentation of the Youngevity Business just click here to send me an e-mail to arrange a meeting!
Youngevity has one of the Best Compensation Plans of any business and it’s one of the most simple businesses to build because the products sell themselves! Once someone sees how well they work they’ll become a ’90forLifer’! Give it a try! The most you can lose is $10!
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Sgt. JIm Ramm (retired) • www.YourDIYHealth.com • ℅ 5195 Hampsted Village Center Way #141 • New Albany, Ohio [43054] • 614.855.2854 ©2013 YourDIYHealth All Rights Reserved *Notice ~ The statements made on this newsletter have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products recommended and the information provided are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. As a responsible human being it is important that you do your own due diligence. You alone are responsible for how you choose to use the information presented here.