Before you can begin to restore your health you MUST stop consuming the 12 Bad Foods! Failing to do so is like driving down the road with one for on the accelerator and one foot on the break! It is imperative that you stop consuming foods that are causing illness and inflammation so the nutrition you take can go to work in the healing process!
Corn (only ‘air popped’ pop corn and non-GMO, Organic corn is safe - if you can find it)
Oils (yes, even coconut and olive)
Fried Foods
Well Done Meats
Processed Meats with Nitrates and Nitrities
Skins of Baked Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes and Yams
Carbonated Beverages during or 1 hour before or after a meal
Click the image below to download a FREE .pdf list of the 12 Bad Foods.
The video below is my good friend Dr. Peter Glidden, N.D. explaining the Twelve Bad Foods and why each of them are BAD.