"Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies."
- Albert Einstein -
Note: Regarding the OlyLife products: ALL SALES ARE FINAL / NO REFUNDS. They carry a 1 Year Warranty and will be Repaired or Replaced if defective, but refunds WILL NOT BE ISSUED.
TeraHertz Technology
Giving your cells what they need to stay healthy!

The OlyLife Tera P90
The Tera P90 is a device that you simply put your feet on and relax for 30 minutes once or twice per day! Read a book, watch TV, listen to music or whatever you want while the terahertz frequencies and PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequecies) pass through your entire body to give the body what it needs to repair itself! What could be easier!
Of all the terahertz devices Sarge has (and he has a lot!) the OlyLife Tera P90 is his Favorite and consistently gives him the Best results!
Download more info on the P90 below:
PEMF Booklet P90 Flyer OlyLife Magazine
OlyLife PEMF and Terahertz 10 page booklet
Note: All OlyLife prices are all inclusive - no extra fees for tax or shipping!
Click on images, titles or prices for more information or to order.
Note: To order you’ll need the name and ID number of the person who referred you which is:
Jim Ramm ID# EA409294
Contact me at 614.855.2854 or click HERE to order!
Want to purchase, but can’t pay all at once? Consider using:
Both of these services will allow you to pay over time with an easy to get approved process.

OlyLife Galaxy G-One PEMF Eye Massager
$795.00 SPECIAL PRE-ORDER PRICE - $745.00!

OlyLife H+ Molecular Hydrogen Infuser

Click HERE or on the image above to go to my OlyLife playlist on YouTube.
Click the image below to view the new Documentary:
The Audacity of Health - The Dr. Joel Wallach Story!
“Trinity of Health”
encompasses three key elements:

1 - Making sure that you eliminate the 12 Bad Foods from your diet - click here for a copy of the list.
2 - Giving your body the 90 Essential Nutrients appropriate for your body weight (per 100 lbs) in the form of the Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak:
"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” Genesis 1:29
You can order the products below simply by clicking on the images and you’ll be taken to my Youngevity Order Page.
Kick Off 2024 with a Detox!
Give your body the reset it needs for a
Healthy start to the New Year!
True2Life 30 Day Detox features:
• Helps support a natural liver detox
• Supports cleansing and elimination of toxins
• Includes 30 day calendar
• Detailed instructions for safe liver detoxification
Click on the image above for more information or to order!
Core90 Healthy Body Pak
$109.95 W/S
…Adding these two items to the Core90 Healthy Body Pak will put the ‘icing on the cake’ of health and constitute what I like to call the “Sarge Pak"!
Plant Derived Minerals™
$23.95 W/S
Ultimate Selenium
$30.95 W/S
Click image above to get more information or to purchase!
(click the image above to order)
A deeper understanding of the microbiome (your entire gut ecosystem) has changed everything we thought we knew about nutrition, digestion, immunity, and metabolism. Specifically formulated to optimize this ecosystem, Ultimate Microbiome provides prebiotic, probiotic, and postbiotic support. Through an exclusive probiotic blend, our proprietary i26 Hyperimmune Egg Powder, and a powerful Multi-Enzyme Complex, it provides holistic gut health properties not found in any other product.
What exactly are postbiotics? Postbiotics are metabolic byproducts of probiotic bacteria, which seem to be responsible for many of the beneficial effects of probiotics. They may also provide protection against harmful bacteria, which is key to helping regulate your gastrointestinal health.
(click the image above to order)
The products below are great for losing weight and are also fantastic ‘survival foods’! Each container is 30 meals and can be made with water or milk! Click the images for more information or to order!
Our Fantastic Energy Drink with 105 nutrients!
See the latest and BEST video series Documentary on the Covid-19 PLANDEMIC! Click the image below to view!

Beware of the so-called Covid ‘Vaccines’!
So far there have been 3 alleged Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ given ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ by the FDA. They have NOT been proven to prevent, cure or stop the transmission of Covid-19! They are EXPERIMENTAL Gene-altering ‘mRNA’ technology that has NEVER before been used in humans! There is much information available that says how dangerous these injections are, but the video below is probably the best one I’ve seen so far. I encourage you to take the hour and 15 minutes or so to view it BEFORE DECIDING WHETHER OR NOT TO ALLOW YOURSELF OR A LOVED ONE TO BE INJECTED WITH ONE OF THESE ‘BIO-WEAPONS’.
Click the image above to Listen to or download mp3s of Dr. Wallach’s “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” Radio Program
“OK, I understand the importance of 90 for life, but…
This new self-assessment is the best way to figure out which Health Body Start Pak is best suited for you based upon the chronic health issues you’re currently dealing with.
Click the image below and take 5-10 minutes to learn which Health Body Start Pak is right for you!
If you’d prefer to do an ‘off-line’ evaluation click here to download a free .pdf Self Health Evaluation.
Click on the image of Dr. Wallach (below) to hear the recording that changed my life, and may very well change yours too!

Click the image above to learn about enhancing your health by using your own stem cells!
Why pay Thousands of Dollars for M.D. based stem cell therapy when you can use your own stem cells and accomplish the same or better results for a fraction of the cost?!
Drink the Coffee Sarge drinks! Click the image below!

Many people need extra money to purchase their nutritional supplements and may not be interested in doing one of the businesses we promote here.
Click the link below to find our how Bitcoin can help you make the money you need for your products and MORE!
Click the image below to visit my Facebook page!